Archive for: jaime

Accenture PLC Director Jaime Ardila Sells 3,000 Shares


Pro-impeachment Republican Jaime Herrera Beutler concedes primary loss after Trump targeted her


DNC Chair Jaime Harrison BLASTS ‘Little Maggot-Infested Man’ Tom Cotton on Morning Joe

Democratic Nationwide Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison held nothing back as he called Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) a “little, maggot-infested man” for his insinuations towards Supreme Courtroom nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson. Harrison used to be on Morning Joe Wednesday because the show pointed out how Cotton railed towards Jackson on the […]


DNC Chair Jaime Harrison Rips GOP as ‘Trump Party’ of ‘Fear Fascism and Fraud’

Democratic Nationwide Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison told radio host Dean Obeidallah that the GOP is the “Trump birthday party” of “Worry, fascism, and fraud.” On Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Dean Obeidallah Express, the host requested Harrison the way to convince voters to take vote casting rights significantly, and also touched on actor John Voight’s […]