Democratic Nationwide Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison told radio host Dean Obeidallah that the GOP is the “Trump birthday party” of “Worry, fascism, and fraud.”

On Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Dean Obeidallah Express, the host requested Harrison the way to convince voters to take vote casting rights significantly, and also touched on actor John Voight’s newest professional-Trump rant:

Dean: What will we do to tell people that we’re now not looking to get folks just labored up for the sake of it?! Shall we lose this democratic Republic. Yeah, Blue States maybe you have to vote but a nationwide level will never have the ability to keep watch over the White Home or Congress or the Senate once more, if the GOP gets their method. That’s their goals.

Chairman Harrison: This becomes an awfully slippery slope folks. Should you allow people to carve away their voting rights, then that opens the door for different things. Pandora’s box opens. When in [Supreme Court case of] Shelby versus Holder when [Chief justice] Roberts decided to head on the other aspect and to decimate the Vote casting Rights Act, it opened Pandora’s field and allowed many of these [red] states to immediately go in and begin carving out ways and make it far more troublesome for explicit populations to vote on this united states. And it’s handiest gotten worse on the grounds that and it’ll continue to worsen because if we don’t thrust back right now, if we don’t stop these efforts this time, then these persons are going to be serving to to say you recognize what we can go even additional than now we have long gone as a result of bet what there is no wall to forestall it. That’s why we have to maneuver and let me tell you this also, it is usually simply communities of colour lately but again this is a slippery slope with regards to going after rights. We see that they’re going after ladies’s rights to control their own bodies, we see that they’re trying to burn books and all that. This doesn’t sound like The usa, it seems like Russia, it seems like another international nation.

However that’s why I say that the GOP has remodeled itself deep, it’s not the celebration of Lincoln, this is the celebration of Trump which is a celebration of fear, a birthday celebration of fraud, a celebration of fascism. We are the only thing that’s standing in the way to protect our democracy.

Dean: I couldn’t agree more wiith you. As an aside, these days Jon Voight the actor put out a video praising Trump and saying Trump is being guided by using the spirit of Abraham Lincoln. I’m like, that’s the mistaken man from the Civil Struggle if you wish to have the [GOP] base to be at liberty–It should be the spirit of Jefferson Davis.

Chair Harrison: Well, John Voight wants to stop smoking no matter he’s smoking because that’s some powerful stuff man if he is equating trump to Abraham Lincoln, just right Lord.

Watch above via SiriusXM.

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