By Alister Doyle OSLO (Reuters) – Global warming poses a mounting chance to health, economic growth, plants and water supplies, consistent with a draft document via top scientists that places unprecedented emphasis on the risks of a altering climate. A leaked 29-web page draft with the aid of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Local weather ExChange (IPCC), concerning the impacts of rising temperatures and due for release in March 2014, mentions “risk” 139 times against just forty one in its last evaluate in 2007. The increased stress on possibility may make the case for cutting greenhouse fuel emissions clearer both to policymakers and the public with the aid of making it sound like an insurance policy for the planet, analysts say. Many governments, assembly in Warsaw from November 11-22 for U.N. talks on local weather exchange, have long pleaded for greater scientific simple task ahead of making billion-buck investments in everything from flood obstacles to renewable energies.