Archive for: refusing

A judge punished Alex Jones for refusing to turn over data that could reveal how much he made from Sandy Hook coverage


Rep. Cicilline Explains Fiery ‘Spare Me the Bullshit’ Moment During Debate Over Gun Bill: ‘Refusing to Protect Their Own Constituents’

Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) explained on Saturday why he acquired so heated all over a committee markup of a gun bill that features measures to increase the acquisition age limit for sure semiautomatic rifles to 21, limit magazine sizes and strengthen current laws of bump stocks and ghost weapons. Video broadly circulated […]


Is L.A. making a mistake by refusing to lift its mask mandate with the rest of California?


Fox’s Shannon Bream: Supreme Court Source Says NPR Story on Gorsuch Refusing to Wear a Mask Is ‘Not Accurate’

An NPR story about Justices Neil Gorsuch and Sonia Sotomayor commenced gaining traction on social media on Tuesday. But in step with a file on Fox News, the story isn’t genuine. The report in query is with the aid of Nina Totenberg. It stated that Sotomayor has diabetes, which places […]