Archive for: countries

Digital marketing courses market recorded 11.67% growth between 2021 and 2022; Insights on top countries such as the UK, among others – Technavio


12 Most Advanced Countries in Computer Technology


Biden works on friendships with Asian countries on Cambodia trip. Here’s what he’s doing next.

Biden works on friendships with Asian countries on Cambodia trip. Here’s what he’s doing next.

President Joe Biden is in search of to win pals and affect Southeast Asian international locations all over a weekend discuss with to Cambodia for an ASEAN Summit.   &#a hundred and sixty;   


Climate bill boosts Biden’s credibility at COP27 as countries look to US to deliver


EU countries meet to agree stance for U.N. climate negotiations


German chancellor says many thought the world moved past countries trying to conquer their neighbors but that ‘agreement is now canceled by Putin’

Go to Information Supply


Is Biden to blame for higher gas prices? Drivers pay more in 93 countries.


Pfizer to sell all its patented drugs at nonprofit price in low-income countries


Pfizer to sell all its patented drugs at nonprofit price in low-income countries


Pfizer offers to sell medicines at cost to world’s poorest countries


‘Where’s Your Coverage of Yemen?’: Eric Bolling Rips Joy Reid for Claiming Media Ignores War in Non-White Countries

Eric Bolling ripped Joy Reid for ignoring conflicts in majority non-White international locations after she just lately complained a couple of lack of media protection for non-European wars. Amid weeks of brutal fighting in Ukraine, Reid offered a commentary ultimate Monday on the racial “disparity” concerning warfare reporting. “Now, what […]


Joy Reid Continues Nonstop Coverage of Ukraine After Accusing Her Peers of Elevating It Over ‘Browner’ Countries

Joy Reid Continues Nonstop Coverage of Ukraine After Accusing Her Peers of Elevating It Over ‘Browner’ Countries

Ultimate Monday, MSNBC’s Joy Reid ended her exhibit with a monologue about American news media priorities when covering international conflicts. She juxtaposed the media’s intensive coverage of Russia’s struggle on Ukraine with the scant protection of strife in generally non-White elements of the world. Reid specifically homed in on the […]


US and 10 countries condemn North Korean missile launch


Antony Blinken Says NATO Countries Have ‘Green Light’ to Send Fighter Planes to Ukraine for No-Fly Zone

Secretary of State Antony Blinken gave a “green mild” to NATO individuals sending fighter jets to Ukraine regardless of the continued debate over a possible no-fly zone over the u . s .. In latest days, Blinken has warned that NATO setting up a no-fly zone over Ukraine may enlarge […]


Goldfinch raises $25M from a16z to power its DeFi lending protocol for borrowers in developing countries