Archive for: boris

David Bannerman Calls For Boris Johnson To Be Made Tory Chair, Suggests Ex-PM ‘Set Up’ By Media Over ‘Partygate’ Scandal

Former MEP David Campbell Bannerman defended the concept that former Top Minister Boris Johnson should return to the Conservative Celebration’s political frontline, blaming the media and his staffers for the Partygate “mounted.” The dialog comes amid calls by using some Conservatives to carry him again after a disastrous native election […]


Bill Nye Wrangles Bewildering Array of Props to Explain Leap Day to an Amused Boris Sanchez

Invoice Nye wrangled an immense pile of props on Thursday to give an explanation for Soar Day to an amused Boris Sanchez, and we’re all better for it. The Science Guy broadcast from what gave the impression to be the kitchen in his solar-powered Studio Metropolis, California residence. He got […]


Tucker Carlson Claims Boris Johnson Tried To Shake Him Down ‘A Million Dollars’ for an Interview

Tucker Carlson advised Glenn Beck on Tuesday that former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson demanded “a million dollars” in exchange for an interview following Carlson’s controversial interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. All through an look on The Blaze, Carlson informed Beck, “So I’m over in Moscow, I’m waiting to do that […]


Penny Mordaunt says Boris Johnson’s Covid WhatsApp messages went missing


Protestors Interrupt Boris Johnson’s Covid Inquiry ‘Apology’

Former Top Minister Boris Johnson’s opening apology to the nation all through his Covid Inquiry cross-examination used to be swiftly interrupted with the aid of protestors Wednesday. As Johnson expressed his deep sorrow “for the loss, ache and suffering” of Covid victims, 4 people staged a protest, leading to their […]


Boris Johnson will not oppose British PM Sunak’s Brexit deal – The Times


Tucker Carlson Fires Back at ‘Coward’ Boris Johnson: ‘Terrified Old Woman’

Tucker Carlson lashed out at Boris Johnson after the former U.oK. prime minister mentioned he’s “horrified” at the Fox Information host’s “unhealthy ideas.” Talking on the Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, Johnson criticized Carlson’s opposition to the U.S. helping Ukraine shield itself in opposition to the continued Russian […]


Boris Johnson calls for Ukraine to be given ‘tools to finish the job’ during US visit


Boris Johnson on Fox News Praises Enthusiastic ‘Bipartisan Support’ From McConnell, McCarthy, and Biden For Ukraine

Former British Top Minister Boris Johnson joined anchor Bret Baier on Fox Information on Tuesday and mentioned the current state of play in the going warfare in Ukraine. “You were the first Western chief to enter Ukraine and meet with President Zelensky in Kyiv. As you look at the map […]


JUST IN: Liz Truss to Succeed Boris Johnson as UK Prime Minister

JUST IN: Liz Truss to Succeed Boris Johnson as UK Prime Minister

Dan Kitwood/Getty Photography U.K. Foreign Minister Liz Truss will change into Nice Britain’s top minister as she defeated former British Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak in the Conservative Birthday Celebration’s management race to be triumphant Boris Johnson. Truss will become the third feminine U.K. prime minister, following Theresa May […]


Florida Democrat Painstakingly Dodges CNN’s Boris Sanchez Asking If She Wants President Biden Campaigning With Her

Having a president campaigning by means of your facet would seem to be a huge plus in a congressional race, but Florida Democratic candidate Annette Taddeo doesn’t appear fascinated by such enhance from President Joe Biden. In a Saturday interview with CNN’s Boris Sanchez on her marketing campaign, Taddeo, who’s […]


Justice Alito Roasts World Leaders Who Objected to His Overturning Roe: Boris Johnson ‘Paid the Price’

Supreme Courtroom Justice Samuel Alito mocked foreign leaders in a video launched Thursday via the University of Notre Dame Regulation Faculty over their criticisms of his choice to overturn Roe v. Wade and roll back federal abortion protections within the U.S. Alito took purpose at British High Minister Boris Johnson, […]


Politics latest news: Nicola Sturgeon takes Indyref2 to Supreme Court as Scotland will ‘not be prisoner of Boris Johnson’


Boris Johnson Faces Brutal Questions From Parenting Website: Why Believe You if It’s ‘Been Proven You’re a Habitual Liar?’

 U.oKay. Top Minister Boris Johnson faced a sequence of brutal questions from parenting website Mumsnet in a contemporary interview concerning his tendency to celebration amid Covid lockdowns. Johnson sat down with Mumsnet founder and chief executive Justine Roberts, throughout which Roberts requested Johnson a number of questions submitted by readers of the site. […]


Boris Johnson: BBC more critical of Rwanda migrant plan than Vladimir Putin’s Ukraine invasion