Source: – Monday, December 30, 2013
Vladimir Putin has finished the year standard, consolidating Russian keep watch over in Ukraine and successful straightforward brownie factors for the discharge of controversial prisoners together with the oil oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky and two feminine members of the punk band Pussy Revolt. The Russian president has additionally, in a move easily neglected in the course of Christmas, prolonged Russia’s place in one of the vital world’s most interesting new oil and fuel areas – the Levant basin in the japanese Mediterranean. On Christmas Day the Russian firm Soyuzneftegaz signed a $90m deal which supplies it exclusive exploration rights over 850 square miles of Syrian territorial waters for 25 years. The deal no longer only confirms Syria’s function as the southern outpost of the brand new Russian empire. It additionally places Russia at the coronary heart of the Levant basin – the in part explored gasoline (and in all probability oil) province that runs up the coast from Egypt and the Sinai peninsula within the south, by means of offshore Gaza, Israel and Lebanon to Cyprus, Syria and Turkey within the north. The first rough estimates printed by means of the U. S. Geological Survey some years in the past recommend the basin as a complete would possibly dangle some 120tn cubic feet of fuel. Many geologists suppose that’s an underestimate and dangle great hopes for the areas offshore from mainland Lebanon and Syria. In truth it is a ways too early to inform. Little drilling has up to now taken situation as opposed to in Israeli waters. Syria of course wants the funding and few have achieved m

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