Amid a frenzy of reporting on Wednesday that a suspect had been arrested within the Boston Marathon bombing case, NBC News stood out as the one network reporting that no arrest had been made. In the face of accelerating evidence that they were flawed, NBC News caught to their weapons and insisted that there had been no arrest. Within minutes, it become clear that NBC News was the only community to get the story right – no arrest had been made within the Boston bombing case.

At approximately 1:45 p.m. EDT, CNN broke into programming to announce that an arrest has been made in reference to the bombing of the Boston Marathon.

Quickly after this, Fox News mentioned without confirmation that officials had made an arrest of someone who could be a suspect within the Boston bombing. The Associated Press ran with important points about how a suspect used to be in custody and was at this time en route to a federal courthouse.

At 1:fifty four p.m. EDT, NBC Information broke into MSNBC’s programming the place justice reporter Pete Williams contradicted every major reporting outlet and declared that there had been no arrest made in reference to the Boston bombing.

At 2:09 p.m. EDT, Fox News Channel reviews that two separate sources have established an arrest has been made in the Boston bombing case. CBS News joins NBC in reporting that no arrest has been made.

At 2:thirteen p.m. EDT, NBC News sends programming again to MSNBC. There, reporter Jonathan Dienst repeats that no arrest has been made in the bombing case and that federal officers, either with the FBI or the Department of Justice, will quickly verify that they’ve no longer made an arrest within the case.

After this document, CNN starts offevolved to walk again their previous reporting that a suspect within the bombing case had been arrested.

With the aid of 2:44 p.m. EDT, a remark launched by using the Division of Justice validated that no arrest had been made.

At 2:fifty two p.m. EDT, MSNBC anchor Tamron Corridor read a observation from the FBI soliciting for that the media “exercise caution” when reporting on supposed breakthroughs in the Boston case, and to take a look at with “appropriate channels” on their leads if they’re uncertain whether or not they’re authentic. This remark was evidently not directed at MSNBC or NBC News.

> >Practice Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) on Twitter