In this Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013 photo shows Jeremy Stone frames a Billy Ireland comic strip from Dec. 11, 1921 called "The Passing Show" at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum in Columbus, Ohio. Today the museum collection includes more than 300,000 original strips from everybody who’s anybody in the newspaper comics world, plus 45,000 books, 29,000 comic books and 2,400 boxes of manuscript material, correspondence and other personal papers from artists. (AP Photo/Tony Dejak)COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — There is a position where Snoopy frolics carefree with the scandalous Yellow Child, where Pogo the possum philosophizes alongside Calvin and Hobbes. It’s a spot the place Beetle Bailey loafs with Garfield the cat, whereas Krazy Kat takes another brick to the noggin, and brooding heroes combat dark forces on the pages of fats image novels.